Easy Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Fluffy & Savory


Welcome to the delicious world of breakfast casseroles! Combining the fluffiness of crescent rolls with your favorite breakfast ingredients not only saves time but also delivers a mouth-watering start to your day. Perfect for busy mornings or leisurely brunches, this casserole is a versatile dish that appeals to both kids and adults alike.

Ingredients and Substitutions for Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole

Creating a delicious and adaptable crescent roll breakfast casserole is easy with the right ingredients. Below, you’ll find the essential components along with suggested substitutions to cater to various dietary preferences.

Basic Ingredients:

  • Crescent Rolls: 2 cans (use uncooked dough from the refrigerated section)
  • Cooked Meat: 1 cup (commonly used meats include sausage or bacon)
  • Shredded Cheese: 1 cup (cheddar is popular for its flavor and meltability)
  • Eggs: 6 large (acts as the binder and main body of the casserole)
  • Milk: 1/2 cup (helps to soften the egg mixture)
  • Salt and Pepper: to taste (for seasoning)


  • Crescent Rolls:
    • Gluten-Free Option: Use gluten-free crescent roll dough if available, or a gluten-free pastry dough as an alternative.
  • Cooked Meat:
    • Vegetarian Option: Replace meat with vegetarian sausage or a mix of vegetables like bell peppers and onions.
    • Healthier Meat Options: Opt for turkey bacon or chicken sausage for lower fat content.
  • Shredded Cheese:
    • Dairy-Free Option: Use dairy-free cheese alternatives made from nuts or soy.
    • Variety in Cheese: Try mixing different cheeses such as mozzarella, pepper jack, or Swiss for different flavors and textures.
  • Eggs:
    • Egg Substitute: For those avoiding eggs, consider using a commercial egg replacer available in most health food sections.
  • Milk:
    • Non-Dairy Milk: Any non-dairy milk like almond, soy, or oat milk can be used in place of cow’s milk.
    • Creamier Texture: Use half-and-half or a splash of heavy cream for a richer texture.
  • Salt and Pepper:
    • Enhanced Seasoning: Add herbs like parsley, chives, or dill for additional flavor.

These ingredients and substitutions allow for customization based on dietary needs or personal preferences, making the crescent roll breakfast casserole a versatile dish that can be enjoyed by many. Whether you’re aiming for a classic taste or a unique twist, these options provide the flexibility needed to create a breakfast that’s both satisfying and enjoyable.

Step-by-Step Preparation for Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole

Creating a crescent roll breakfast casserole is straightforward and can be a fun cooking project. Follow these steps to ensure a delicious outcome:

1. Preheat the Oven

  • Set Temperature: Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius). This ensures the oven is ready by the time you finish assembling the casserole.

2. Prepare the Baking Dish

  • Grease the Dish: Lightly grease a 9×13 inch baking dish with butter or non-stick cooking spray to prevent sticking.

3. Lay the Crescent Rolls

  • Unpack and Arrange: Open the cans of crescent roll dough and unroll the sheets. Lay them flat to cover the bottom of the baking dish. If the dough is perforated, pinch together the seams to form a solid layer with no gaps.

4. Prepare the Filling

  • Cook the Meat: If not already pre-cooked, cook your choice of meat (e.g., sausage or bacon) until it’s fully cooked. Drain any excess grease.
  • Layer the Ingredients: Spread the cooked meat evenly over the crescent roll layer. Spread the shredded cheese over the meat.

5. Mix the Eggs

  • Combine Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, and a pinch of salt and pepper until well blended.
  • Add Extras: If desired, you can add extra seasonings or herbs, such as chopped chives or parsley, to the egg mixture for added flavor.

6. Assemble the Casserole

  • Pour the Egg Mixture: Gently pour the egg mixture over the cheese and meat layers in the baking dish. Make sure the liquid spreads evenly across the dish.

7. Bake the Casserole

  • Baking Time: Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. The top should be golden brown, and the eggs should be set when it’s done.
  • Check Doneness: Insert a knife or toothpick in the center of the casserole. When it emerges without any residue, the casserole is prepared.

8. Serve

  • Cool Slightly: Allow the casserole to cool for a few minutes after removing it from the oven. This facilitates cutting and aids in solidifying the layers.
  • Cut and Serve: Slice the casserole into squares or rectangles. Serve warm.

Optional Enhancements

  • Garnish: Before serving, garnish with additional herbs or a light drizzle of hot sauce or ketchup for extra flavor.
  • Side Suggestions: Pair the casserole with a side of fresh fruit, yogurt, or a green salad for a balanced breakfast.

This step-by-step guide will help you create a satisfying and tasty crescent roll breakfast casserole that’s perfect for any morning or brunch gathering. Enjoy the process and the delicious results!

Cooking Techniques for Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole

Achieving the perfect crescent roll breakfast casserole involves mastering a few key cooking techniques. These tips will help you ensure that every aspect of your casserole is cooked to perfection.

Even Heat Distribution

  • Center Your Dish: Always place your baking dish in the center of the oven. This position allows for the most even heat distribution, preventing the edges from burning while the middle remains undercooked.
  • Rotate the Dish: Halfway through the baking time, rotate the dish 180 degrees. This can help compensate for any uneven heating elements in your oven.

Baking Temperature and Time

  • Preheat Thoroughly: Ensure your oven has reached the correct temperature before you start baking. An oven thermometer can help verify this if you suspect your oven’s built-in thermometer might be inaccurate.
  • Bake Until Golden: The top of the casserole should be golden brown and slightly crisp. This not only adds texture but also indicates that the crescent rolls have cooked thoroughly.

Testing for Doneness

  • Toothpick Test: Insert a toothpick or a knife into the center of the casserole. If it comes out clean, without any uncooked egg sticking to it, your casserole is done.
  • Visual Cues: The casserole should be firm to the touch in the center, and you should see the edges pulling away slightly from the sides of the dish.

Moisture Control

  • Avoid Soggy Bottoms: If the bottom layer of crescent rolls becomes too soggy, it can ruin the texture of the casserole. To prevent this:
    • Ensure that any meat used is well-drained of fat and moisture before adding it to the crust.
    • Whisk the eggs and milk thoroughly so the mixture is homogenous, which helps it cook evenly.

You can also read: Make-Ahead Breakfasts

Flavor Enhancement

  • Season Appropriately: Don’t forget to season the egg mixture well with salt and pepper. Eggs can be quite bland without proper seasoning.
  • Add Herbs and Spices: Consider incorporating fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or dill, or spices such as paprika or a pinch of cayenne for a bit of heat.

Post-Baking Rest

  • Let it Set: After removing the casserole from the oven, let it sit for at least 5 minutes before slicing. This resting period allows the ingredients to set, making the casserole easier to cut and serve.

Serving Temperature

  • Serve Warm: This casserole is best enjoyed warm, when the cheese is still melty and the crescent rolls are at their fluffiest. If you need to reheat, do so in a warm oven rather than a microwave to maintain the best texture.

By applying these cooking techniques, you’ll enhance the overall quality and enjoyment of your crescent roll breakfast casserole, turning a simple meal into a delightful culinary experience.

Nutritional Information for Crescent Roll Breakfast Casserole

Understanding the nutritional content of your crescent roll breakfast casserole can help you make informed choices about how it fits into your diet. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutritional aspects of this hearty breakfast dish.

Caloric Content

  • Average Calories: A typical serving of crescent roll breakfast casserole, which includes eggs, cheese, crescent rolls, and meat such as sausage or bacon, generally ranges between 300 to 400 calories per serving. The exact number can vary based on the specific ingredients used and portion sizes.


  • Proteins: Each serving provides a good amount of protein, usually around 15-20 grams, primarily from the eggs and meat. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Fats: The fat content can also vary, typically between 20-30 grams per serving, depending on the type of meat and cheese used. While some fat is necessary for a balanced diet, you can reduce the saturated fat content by choosing lean meats and lower-fat cheese options.
  • Carbohydrates: Crescent rolls contribute the majority of the carbohydrates, with a serving totaling approximately 20-30 grams of carbs. Carbohydrates are a primary source of energy for the body.

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Calcium: Cheese is a significant source of calcium, which is crucial for bone health.
  • Iron: Meats like sausage and bacon are good sources of iron, which is important for blood health.
  • Vitamin A and Vitamin D: Eggs provide vitamins A and D, which support immune function and bone health, respectively.

Dietary Fiber

  • Fiber Content: Traditional crescent roll breakfast casseroles are low in dietary fiber since none of the primary ingredients are high in fiber. To increase the fiber content, consider adding vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, or tomatoes to the egg mixture.

Cholesterol and Sodium

  • Cholesterol: Due to the presence of eggs and cheese, this dish can be high in cholesterol. If this is a concern, you can use egg whites instead of whole eggs or choose lower-cholesterol egg substitutes.
  • Sodium: Processed meats and cheeses can contribute significant amounts of sodium. To control sodium intake, opt for low-sodium cheese and meats, or use fresh meats rather than processed ones.

Suggestions for a Healthier Version

  • Reduce Calories and Fat: Use low-fat cheese, opt for turkey bacon or lean turkey sausage, and consider reducing the number of crescent rolls or using a lighter version.
  • Increase Nutrients: Add vegetables to increase the vitamin, mineral, and fiber content. Mushrooms, onions, and leafy greens are all nutritious additions that blend well with the other flavors.

By keeping these nutritional factors in mind, you can tailor your crescent roll breakfast casserole to better suit your dietary needs or preferences, making it a healthier option for you and your family.

Serving Suggestions

Serve hot with a side of fresh fruit or a light salad to balance out the meal. For a festive brunch, accompany it with mimosas or freshly brewed coffee.

Variations of the Recipe

  • Vegetarian Version: Substitute meat with mushrooms or spinach for a vegetarian casserole.
  • Extra Veggie: Add bell peppers and onions for added flavor and nutrition.

Storage and Reheating Tips

  • Storage: Cool completely and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days.
  • Reheating: Best reheated in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid overfilling the dish as it may cause the egg mixture to spill over during baking. Also, ensure the crescent rolls are fully sealed at the seams to prevent leaks.

Equipment Needed

  • Baking dish
  • Mixing bowls
  • Whisk
  • Oven


  1. Can I prepare this casserole ahead of time? Yes, assemble the casserole the night before and refrigerate. Bake in the morning as directed.
  2. Can I use different types of cheese? Absolutely! Feel free to use mozzarella, Swiss, or any blend of cheeses you prefer.

User Reviews and Feedback

Many users have shared their success with adding various ingredients such as olives and tomatoes, noting the recipe’s adaptability to different tastes.


This crescent roll breakfast casserole not only delivers on flavor but is also a practical choice for feeding a crowd without much hassle. Give it a try and enjoy the rave reviews from family and friends!

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